InPrint 2017: UV specialist IST and its subsidiary Integration Technology Ltd. present novelties from the UV world

Nürtingen, 11. October 2017: At InPrint, which takes place from 14.-16. November in Munich, IST METZ will present together with its subsidiary ITL in hall A6 at booth 613 innovative new products as well as standard and LED units for curing and industrial coatings by using UV light.

In collaboration with its subsidiary Integration Technology Ltd., which specialises in digital printing products, IST METZ GmbH offers the world’s largest portfolio of UV systems for drying inks and varnishes using UV light. At ...

¿Máquinas de impresión? ¡Heidelberg! Si le preguntas a los estudiantes en las escuelas de formación profesional de artes gráficas, colegios técnicos y universidades, casi siempre obtienes la misma respuesta. Lo que no nos debería sorprender. Desde hace algunas décadas, el mayor fabricante mundial de máquinas de impresión ha estado cultivando intensas, a la par que diversas, relaciones con instituciones educativas para la industria de las artes gráficas. El mejor ejemplo de esto es el hecho de que de las 120 instituciones de enseñanza del país para la formación media y superior en medios impresos, casi el 100% están equipadas ...

On Thursday 14th of September FTA Europe gave the opening speech at the Intercontinental Conference on Flexography, organised by ABFlexo (the Brazilian Flexographic Technical Association) in Sau Paulo. The Intercontinental Conference is a bi-annual event where Brazilian and other Latin American flexo companies have the occasion to showcase and discuss about flexography with experts and companies’ representatives. FTA Europe, as an institutional partner of ABFlexo, was invited to share the European flexo experience.

Luca Conti, on behalf of President Sante Conselvan and the entire FTA Europe, thanked ABFlexo for the invitation, addressing structure, activities and objectives of the European umbrella ...

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